• With 94,822 candidates taking a WSET Award exam in 2017-2018 across 70 countries, this is definitely the most wide-spread wine certifying body in the world! Zhulian Wines offers the first three levels of the Award in Wines.







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  • The Introduction to Wine Program is designed by Zhulian Wine Consulting with the goal to help beginners understand all the fundamental knowledge about wine in a comprehensive and fun way. Indeed, the 6 hours course program is a perfect opportunity for wine lovers who want to expand their personal knowledge, or for those who want to start their career in the wine industry.


    Zhulian Wines Introduction to Wine





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  • The Wine Scholar Guild is the leading provider of specialized certification programs on the wines of France, Italy and Spain with a school network spanning 30 countries and 5 continents.

    The Wine Scholar™ Study and Certification programs offer students of wine the opportunity to specialize in the wine country of their choice. These advanced wine education program provide current, accurate and in-depth information on the wines of France, Italy and Spain.


    Wine Scholar Guild




    法国、意大利和西班牙葡萄酒学者认证课程由葡萄酒学者教育机构率先开展于五大洲之内的30多个国家。 葡萄酒学者认证课程为同学们提供了专研一个国家葡萄酒的机会。这些高级的葡萄酒认证课程可以让大家得到关于法国、意大利和西班牙最前沿、准确且深入的葡萄酒信息。

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