朱利安葡萄酒由法籍葡萄酒大师朱利安(Julien Boulard MW)建立于2013年。自成立以来,朱利安葡萄酒一直致力于推动葡萄酒教育。公司在广州(广东省)和南宁(广西地区)拥有办事处和教室,并在中国几个省份建立了合作伙伴关系。凭借充满热情的葡萄酒专业团队以及对教学质量的苛刻要求,朱利安葡萄酒成为了中国领先的葡萄酒学校之一。


Zhulian Wines Consulting has been promoting wine education in China since its establishment in 2013. With company-owned offices and classrooms in Guangzhou (Guangdong Province) and Nanning (Guangxi Region), partnerships in several Chinese provinces, and thanks to an enthusiastic and professional team composed of wine experts led by Julien Boulard MW, Zhulian Wines has managed to become one of the leading wine schools in China, recognised for the uncompromising quality of its teaching.







We are just a bunch of wine geeks! Although we are indeed very strict about the quality of anything we do, yet we do believe that the most important is to have fun doing it! After all, wine is meant to bring pleasure to people and we definitely won't become billionaires by educating people to the pleasures of Dionysus! We just want to demystify wine, let it rock a little bit, and let more people explore this rich and colourful drink!